Tuesday, August 25, 2009

more reasons for going raw

People, its not just a diet. Its not a fad! Before humans discovered fire, what do you think they were eating? Exactly! This is our natural pristine origins we're talking about here. Sure our intestinal tracts have evolved to take in bland nutrient devoid food spruced up with spices, salt, sugar and condiments...but our body still craves the original, the flavorful, the raw.

Things to consider about cooked food:
a) its pale unattractive colours and textures
b) the original rich flavours of raw seeds, nuts, fruits and vegetables disappear almost completely after being heated
c) the taste of it is determined by condiments (condiments have a permanent taste)
d)when making it, following a recipe is most important
e)its time consuming, and usually makes a greasy, saucy, sticky mess on pots pans and dishes

Karen (raw food coach) says "on the raw food journey every cell, every thought, every feeling and every intuition or insight can become stronger, cleaner, brighter and more aligned with perfection - when done correctly, of course."

Eating 80% fruits and vegetables are inarguably what our bodies are naturally made to do, so when we co-operate, our bodies are happy and they thank us! Animals thank us! The universe thanks us! Try this (way of eating) out, and just witness how you become more in tune with yourself. You will not only feel physically energized, but a new kind of clarity arises. You begin to make the right decisions, easily, you become organized, spontaneous, spiritual, understanding, confident... Its all up to you. Raw food eating only unlocks your personal and amazing potential.

More words from Karen: "As the raw energy starts to move through you, an ever-increasing sense of strength, power and vitality starts to become perceptible. It may start small at first, with just a few weird “feelings” but if you’re eating the right way then you’ll definitely begin to notice some inner shifts for the better quite quickly. It’s at this critical time that you MUST allow the energy to flow in whatever way it wants and needs to. For some this may mean taking exercise for the first time in years; for others it may mean starting to consider moving jobs or changing any other aspect of their lives that isn’t working; for others it may mean tackling underlying emotional issues first before progressing to the more uplifting stuff. But whatever it is, let it be. Those who don’t allow this natural movement to let things “be” tend to struggle continually until they either drop “the diet” or allow their own truth to unfold (slowly if need be) and give themselves full permission to truly follow their heart and “blueprint”."

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